by Tanya Gunn | Apr 03, 2023

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.



179 Hilchey Road
Council approved Development Variance Permit Application P2200099 for 179 Hilchey Road, to vary the front, rear and side (south) setbacks, and parking requirement, for a four-unit townhouse development. 

Workshops to Explore Proposed Amendments to the City’s OCP
Council received a project update report summarizing the status of the Hazard Conditions (Steep Slopes) proposed development permit area amendments and requested that staff come back with further information.  The City’s website has been updated with user-friendly educational materials.


2023-2032 Ten-Year Financial Plan
Council gave first, second and third readings to the 2023-2032 Ten-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 3901, 2023. Budget deliberations concluded on March 10, 2023, and adoption of this bylaw is required before May 15, 2023, in advance of the City’s tax rates Bylaw, under the Community Charter.


Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw (Consumption of Controlled Substances)
Council deferred this to a future meeting in April 2023.

2022 Community Safety Statistics
Council received the March 14, 2023 report regarding 2022 Community Safety Statistics for police, fire and bylaw enforcement services. Council directed staff to invite RCMP, Fire and Bylaw Enforcement to a COW meeting to review the statistics and discuss community safety and the public’s sense of safety.


Council Code of Conduct
Council received a report outlining the purpose of a code of conduct and directed staff to schedule a preliminary workshop with staff and Council prior to hiring an external facilitator to assist in the development process. A code of conduct establishes shared expectations for behaviour, which is essential for good governance. The Community Charter and Local Government Act require local governments to consider adopting or updating a code of conduct within six months after the first regular council meeting, following an election.

40th Anniversary of Twinning Relationship with the City of Ishikari
Council received for information the March 24, 2023 report from the Legislative Services department regarding the 40th Anniversary of the City of Campbell River’s twinning relationship with the City of Ishikari. An informal volunteer planning committee will be formed to report on recommendations to celebrate the Anniversary.


Campbell River Community Action Team (CAT)
Gwen Donaldson from the Campbell River CAT provided an overview of the team’s mandate to develop, support, and implement local interventions to address the toxic drug poisoning and overdose crisis, and described some of the team’s projects and activities.

Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness (CRDCEH)
Stephanie Hendrickson from the Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness explained the Coalition’s mission is to work to end homelessness and housing insecurity in the region through the collective resources of their organizational partners and community members and gave an overview of some of the cooperative work that the Coalition does with the City.

Campbell River Situation Table
Stephanie Hendrickson, Coordinator of the Campbell River Situation Table, explained that the Situation Table brings together front-line staff from various sectors to assist in identifying individuals in the community who are at risk in order to offer them proactive support services.


Union of BC Municipalities regarding Provincial Response to City's 2022 Resolution
Council received the March 6, 2023 correspondence from Jen Ford, President, Union of BC Municipalities, regarding the Province's response to the City's 2022 resolution on overdose prevention site security and cleanup.  Council moved to send a letter to the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions detailing the activities that are happening around the overdose prevention site and requesting funding to allow the site to provide 24 hour service, as well as for clean-up and 24-hour, 7 days per week security.

Neighbourhood Welcome Program Partnership Request
Council received a request to partner with the Neighbourhood Welcome program, from representative Francy Poirier, for Campbell River and the surrounding area.

Ministry of Forests regarding Interfor Tenure Dispositions in Coastal British Columbia for Public Input
Council received the March 14, 2023 correspondence from Doug Kelly, Director, Ministry of Forests regarding Interfor Tenure Dispositions in coastal British Columbia for public input.  Council requested that staff follow-up and provide recommendations back to Council.

Campbell River Support Group for Parkinson Society of BC Proclamation Request
Council supported a proclamation request from Rick Wall, Facilitator, Campbell River Support Group for Parkinson Society of BC, to declare April as Parkinson's Awareness Month.

Huntington Society of Canada Proclamation Request
Council supported a proclamation request from Susan Nickerson, Volunteer Event Coordinator, for the Vancouver Island Chapter of the Huntington Society of Canada, to declare May Huntington Disease Awareness Month.

GBS/CIDP Foundation of Canada Proclamation Request
Council supported a proclamation request from Cheryl Dean, Liaison, Guillain-Barre Syndrome/Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (GBS/CIDP) Foundation of Canada, to declare May GBS/CIDP Awareness Month.

BC Association of Farmers' Markets regarding Nutrition Coupon Program
Information from the BC Association of Farmers' Markets regarding a Nutrition Coupon Program, was received by Council.



by Tanya Gunn | Apr 03, 2023

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.



179 Hilchey Road
Council approved Development Variance Permit Application P2200099 for 179 Hilchey Road, to vary the front, rear and side (south) setbacks, and parking requirement, for a four-unit townhouse development. 

Workshops to Explore Proposed Amendments to the City’s OCP
Council received a project update report summarizing the status of the Hazard Conditions (Steep Slopes) proposed development permit area amendments and requested that staff come back with further information.  The City’s website has been updated with user-friendly educational materials.


2023-2032 Ten-Year Financial Plan
Council gave first, second and third readings to the 2023-2032 Ten-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 3901, 2023. Budget deliberations concluded on March 10, 2023, and adoption of this bylaw is required before May 15, 2023, in advance of the City’s tax rates Bylaw, under the Community Charter.


Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw (Consumption of Controlled Substances)
Council deferred this to a future meeting in April 2023.

2022 Community Safety Statistics
Council received the March 14, 2023 report regarding 2022 Community Safety Statistics for police, fire and bylaw enforcement services. Council directed staff to invite RCMP, Fire and Bylaw Enforcement to a COW meeting to review the statistics and discuss community safety and the public’s sense of safety.


Council Code of Conduct
Council received a report outlining the purpose of a code of conduct and directed staff to schedule a preliminary workshop with staff and Council prior to hiring an external facilitator to assist in the development process. A code of conduct establishes shared expectations for behaviour, which is essential for good governance. The Community Charter and Local Government Act require local governments to consider adopting or updating a code of conduct within six months after the first regular council meeting, following an election.

40th Anniversary of Twinning Relationship with the City of Ishikari
Council received for information the March 24, 2023 report from the Legislative Services department regarding the 40th Anniversary of the City of Campbell River’s twinning relationship with the City of Ishikari. An informal volunteer planning committee will be formed to report on recommendations to celebrate the Anniversary.


Campbell River Community Action Team (CAT)
Gwen Donaldson from the Campbell River CAT provided an overview of the team’s mandate to develop, support, and implement local interventions to address the toxic drug poisoning and overdose crisis, and described some of the team’s projects and activities.

Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness (CRDCEH)
Stephanie Hendrickson from the Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness explained the Coalition’s mission is to work to end homelessness and housing insecurity in the region through the collective resources of their organizational partners and community members and gave an overview of some of the cooperative work that the Coalition does with the City.

Campbell River Situation Table
Stephanie Hendrickson, Coordinator of the Campbell River Situation Table, explained that the Situation Table brings together front-line staff from various sectors to assist in identifying individuals in the community who are at risk in order to offer them proactive support services.


Union of BC Municipalities regarding Provincial Response to City's 2022 Resolution
Council received the March 6, 2023 correspondence from Jen Ford, President, Union of BC Municipalities, regarding the Province's response to the City's 2022 resolution on overdose prevention site security and cleanup.  Council moved to send a letter to the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions detailing the activities that are happening around the overdose prevention site and requesting funding to allow the site to provide 24 hour service, as well as for clean-up and 24-hour, 7 days per week security.

Neighbourhood Welcome Program Partnership Request
Council received a request to partner with the Neighbourhood Welcome program, from representative Francy Poirier, for Campbell River and the surrounding area.

Ministry of Forests regarding Interfor Tenure Dispositions in Coastal British Columbia for Public Input
Council received the March 14, 2023 correspondence from Doug Kelly, Director, Ministry of Forests regarding Interfor Tenure Dispositions in coastal British Columbia for public input.  Council requested that staff follow-up and provide recommendations back to Council.

Campbell River Support Group for Parkinson Society of BC Proclamation Request
Council supported a proclamation request from Rick Wall, Facilitator, Campbell River Support Group for Parkinson Society of BC, to declare April as Parkinson's Awareness Month.

Huntington Society of Canada Proclamation Request
Council supported a proclamation request from Susan Nickerson, Volunteer Event Coordinator, for the Vancouver Island Chapter of the Huntington Society of Canada, to declare May Huntington Disease Awareness Month.

GBS/CIDP Foundation of Canada Proclamation Request
Council supported a proclamation request from Cheryl Dean, Liaison, Guillain-Barre Syndrome/Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (GBS/CIDP) Foundation of Canada, to declare May GBS/CIDP Awareness Month.

BC Association of Farmers' Markets regarding Nutrition Coupon Program
Information from the BC Association of Farmers' Markets regarding a Nutrition Coupon Program, was received by Council.

Upcoming Events
Apr 19, 2025 BIA Easter Event
May 03, 2025 Colourful Run