by Alison Harrower | Jan 17, 2023

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

CR and District Division of Family Practice and CR Medical Staff Association
Dr. Jordyn Vanderveen presented, shared ideas for City support, and answered questions from Council regarding the recruitment and retention of new physicians, supported by Dr. Sol Gregory, Janet MacDonell and Sadie Mack.

2702 Island Highway South
Council received written submissions and approved a major development permit application for 2702 Island Highway South, for a six-storey, 80-unit rental apartment building with a variance to reduce the required parking spaces from 120 to 97.

781 7th Avenue
Council gave first and second readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3877, 2023, to rezone the property at 781 7th Avenue from Residential Two (R-2) Zone to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone to legalize three existing units. The Public Hearing requirement was waived.

120, 155 and 240 Elk River Road South
Council gave third reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3870, 2022, and scheduled it for adoption. This application rezones 120, 155 and 240 Elk River Road South from Residential Estate One (RE-1) and Residential Multiple (RM-1) to Residential One A (R-1A), Residential Two (R-2), Residential Multiple One (RM-1) and Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to accommodate a future residential subdivision, with a mix of housing forms. A Public Hearing took place on November 30, 2022.

173 Dahl Road
Council gave first and second readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3881, 2023, to split-zone the property at 173 Dahl Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential One A (R-1A) and Residential One B (R-1B) to align with a proposed three-lot subdivision. Council directed staff to schedule a Public Hearing.

497 Rockland Road
Council gave first and second readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3883, 2023, to rezone the property at 497 Rockland Road from Commercial Eight (C-8) to Residential Multiple Three (RM-3) with an amendment to allow townhouses with secondary suites, totalling 24 dwelling units, if conditions are met. Council also directed staff to schedule a Public Hearing.

2079 and 2099 Merecroft Road
Council approved Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3830, 2021, to rezone the properties at 2079 and 2099 Merecroft Road from Residential Estate (RE-1) Zone to Residential One A (R-1A) and Residential Multiple 2 (RM-2) Zone. Approval of this application allows for a future low-to-medium density subdivision if conditions, including contributions to traffic controls, registration of a covenant restricting further subdivision or development, and entering into a Parkland Agreement with the City, are met.

640 Willowcrest Road
Council received written submissions, gave third reading, and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3880, 2022, for 640 Willowcrest Road.

2023 UBCM Emergency Support Services Regional Grant Application
Council directed staff to collaborate with the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) on an application for financial assistance under the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund 2023 Emergency Support Services program to the UBCM as part of the City’s ongoing work regarding emergency group lodging. Council supported the SRD applying on the City’s behalf and being the recipient of all funding if awarded.

Community Centre Warming Centre
Council received the Community Centre Warming Centre report dated January 3, 2022, from the Community Safety Division, which provided information on the use and cost of the facility that ran from November 30 to December 23, 2022.

2023 Airport Fee Review
Council directed staff to review aircraft, passenger and callout fees included in the Airport Operation, Maintenance and Management Bylaw as recommended in the report dated December 28, 2022, from the Airport Manager. An amendment bylaw will be prepared for consideration before March 31, 2023.

Updated City Logo and Brand Guidelines to Support Employee Recruitment
Council received for information the report dated December 28, 2022, from the Corporate Services Division and Economic Development Department regarding the updated logo and brand guidelines to support employee recruitment initiatives.

North Island College Grant Application Letter of Support Request
Council received the December 6, 2022, email from Coleen Maclean-Marlow, North Island College, requesting a letter of support for their Resource Industry Micro-credentials Program grant application. Council supported the request and directed staff to send a letter of support.

(Received by Council during the January 10 Committee of the Whole meeting)

Since the last report was provided to Council there have been:

  • 8 new applications received
  • 15 applications completed

Currently, there are 109 active files. Of those files;

  • 54 require action from the applicant,
  • 55 require action from the City and
  • 0 require action from the Province

Of the 96 active files, there are:

  • 37 Fee simple subdivisions,
  • 10 Bare land strata subdivisions,
  • 2 Temporary use permits,
  • 15 Zoning Bylaw amendments,
  • 1 Combined OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments,
  • 1 Liquor Licence Application,
  • 10 Major Development Permits,
  • 1 Major Development Permit Amendment,
  • 4 Major Development with Variance Permit,
  • 16 Minor Development Permits,
  • 3 Minor Development Permit amendment,
  • 8 Development Variance Permits, and
  • 1 Board of Variance Permits


by Alison Harrower | Jan 17, 2023

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

CR and District Division of Family Practice and CR Medical Staff Association
Dr. Jordyn Vanderveen presented, shared ideas for City support, and answered questions from Council regarding the recruitment and retention of new physicians, supported by Dr. Sol Gregory, Janet MacDonell and Sadie Mack.

2702 Island Highway South
Council received written submissions and approved a major development permit application for 2702 Island Highway South, for a six-storey, 80-unit rental apartment building with a variance to reduce the required parking spaces from 120 to 97.

781 7th Avenue
Council gave first and second readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3877, 2023, to rezone the property at 781 7th Avenue from Residential Two (R-2) Zone to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone to legalize three existing units. The Public Hearing requirement was waived.

120, 155 and 240 Elk River Road South
Council gave third reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3870, 2022, and scheduled it for adoption. This application rezones 120, 155 and 240 Elk River Road South from Residential Estate One (RE-1) and Residential Multiple (RM-1) to Residential One A (R-1A), Residential Two (R-2), Residential Multiple One (RM-1) and Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to accommodate a future residential subdivision, with a mix of housing forms. A Public Hearing took place on November 30, 2022.

173 Dahl Road
Council gave first and second readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3881, 2023, to split-zone the property at 173 Dahl Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential One A (R-1A) and Residential One B (R-1B) to align with a proposed three-lot subdivision. Council directed staff to schedule a Public Hearing.

497 Rockland Road
Council gave first and second readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3883, 2023, to rezone the property at 497 Rockland Road from Commercial Eight (C-8) to Residential Multiple Three (RM-3) with an amendment to allow townhouses with secondary suites, totalling 24 dwelling units, if conditions are met. Council also directed staff to schedule a Public Hearing.

2079 and 2099 Merecroft Road
Council approved Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3830, 2021, to rezone the properties at 2079 and 2099 Merecroft Road from Residential Estate (RE-1) Zone to Residential One A (R-1A) and Residential Multiple 2 (RM-2) Zone. Approval of this application allows for a future low-to-medium density subdivision if conditions, including contributions to traffic controls, registration of a covenant restricting further subdivision or development, and entering into a Parkland Agreement with the City, are met.

640 Willowcrest Road
Council received written submissions, gave third reading, and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3880, 2022, for 640 Willowcrest Road.

2023 UBCM Emergency Support Services Regional Grant Application
Council directed staff to collaborate with the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) on an application for financial assistance under the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund 2023 Emergency Support Services program to the UBCM as part of the City’s ongoing work regarding emergency group lodging. Council supported the SRD applying on the City’s behalf and being the recipient of all funding if awarded.

Community Centre Warming Centre
Council received the Community Centre Warming Centre report dated January 3, 2022, from the Community Safety Division, which provided information on the use and cost of the facility that ran from November 30 to December 23, 2022.

2023 Airport Fee Review
Council directed staff to review aircraft, passenger and callout fees included in the Airport Operation, Maintenance and Management Bylaw as recommended in the report dated December 28, 2022, from the Airport Manager. An amendment bylaw will be prepared for consideration before March 31, 2023.

Updated City Logo and Brand Guidelines to Support Employee Recruitment
Council received for information the report dated December 28, 2022, from the Corporate Services Division and Economic Development Department regarding the updated logo and brand guidelines to support employee recruitment initiatives.

North Island College Grant Application Letter of Support Request
Council received the December 6, 2022, email from Coleen Maclean-Marlow, North Island College, requesting a letter of support for their Resource Industry Micro-credentials Program grant application. Council supported the request and directed staff to send a letter of support.

(Received by Council during the January 10 Committee of the Whole meeting)

Since the last report was provided to Council there have been:

  • 8 new applications received
  • 15 applications completed

Currently, there are 109 active files. Of those files;

  • 54 require action from the applicant,
  • 55 require action from the City and
  • 0 require action from the Province

Of the 96 active files, there are:

  • 37 Fee simple subdivisions,
  • 10 Bare land strata subdivisions,
  • 2 Temporary use permits,
  • 15 Zoning Bylaw amendments,
  • 1 Combined OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments,
  • 1 Liquor Licence Application,
  • 10 Major Development Permits,
  • 1 Major Development Permit Amendment,
  • 4 Major Development with Variance Permit,
  • 16 Minor Development Permits,
  • 3 Minor Development Permit amendment,
  • 8 Development Variance Permits, and
  • 1 Board of Variance Permits
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