by Rebecca Szulhan | Oct 28, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

2024 Canada Day Celebrations

Council received a presentation from Carol Chapman, Campbell River Canada Day Committee, regarding the 2024 Canada Day celebrations. The presentation highlighted the success of the event and thanked the many volunteers and community organizations involved. The City was thanked for its contributions and support.

Proposed Geographic Name Changes
Chief Chris Roberts, Wei Wai Kum First Nation, and Chief Ronnie Chickite, We Wai Kai Nation, presented to Council requesting the City’s support for geographic name changes proposed by the Liǧwłdax̌w Nations.

At the Regular Council Meeting on September 5, 2024, Council received correspondence from the BC Geographical Names Office inviting comments on proposed changes to the official names of three geographical areas, as requested by the We Wai Kai, Wei Wai Kum and Kwiakah First Nations. Following direction from Council, the City drafted a response requesting the Ministry work with the City to facilitate community engagement sessions about the proposed changes to ensure that Campbell River residents and surrounding communities are well-informed and have an opportunity to provide input on these proposals. The City also asked that the Ministry consider the financial costs associated with updating resources, including signage and printed materials. The draft letter highlighted the significance of these proposed changes and the importance of preserving and respecting the heritage and culture of the Liǧwłdax̌w people. The City believes engagement sessions would provide valuable insight into the cultural significance of the name changes, allow for meaningful community engagement, and ensure transparency throughout the process.      

Following the delegation from Chief Roberts and Chief Chickite, and acknowledging the extended feedback deadline provided by the Province, Council referred the item to a future meeting to further discuss the City’s response to the Ministry.

2025 Budget Outlook and Financial Gap Analysis 
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on October 22, 2024.)
Council received the 2025 Budget Outlook and Financial Gap Analysis report and a presentation from staff for information. Staff updated Council on the 2025 tax projection and highlighted the changes and challenges impacting the financial plan. Council directed staff to keep the proposed 2025 tax increase within the City’s Financial Resiliency and Stability Policy, which is 3.5 per cent.

As the City enters the 2025–2034 financial planning period, several factors will continue to exert pressure on the City's financial results. These include but are not limited to, inflation, provincial and federal downloading, and large increases in contractual commitments that are largely outside the City’s control. These challenges are not unique to the City and are placing similar pressure on municipalities across Canada. Council has previously communicated and continued to discuss its desire to keep property taxation to a minimum and close the financial gap between City revenue and expenses.

The initial 2025 projected increase was reported by staff at 9.15 per cent. This projected increase is a starting point, reflecting what the increase would be if no changes were made. Staff highlighted initial cost-saving measures that could bring the projected increase down to 6.4 per cent and continue to look at additional options to present during financial planning to bring the projected increase within policy and Council’s reconfirmed direction of a maximum increase of 3.5 per cent. Staff will also report back on the operation and service level implications of a further reduced and zero per cent increase.

Housing Accelerator Fund 
Earlier in 2024, the City was awarded $10.4 million in funding from the federal government’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) to accelerate housing development and address housing needs in Campbell River. Council supported an amendment to the 2024 Financial Plan to allocate $1,025,000 from the HAF program towards the implementation of the seven initiatives of the City’s HAF Approved Action Plan and directed that the 2024-2033 Financial Plan be amended accordingly. These initiatives aim to enhance housing availability, affordability, and regulatory efficiency, and align with the City’s Strategic Plan to support housing availability and meet the HAF Contribution Agreement. More information about the City’s HAF Approved Action Plan is available on Get Involved, Campbell River at getinvolved.campbellriver.ca/haf.

Power Supply Partnership
The City is invested in ensuring adequate power supply for residential, commercial and new industrial development opportunities as they arise. Council directed staff to partner with the University of British Columbia to assess power supply and demands on the North Island and to explore options for providing funding of up to $5,500 for this initiative.

Development Applications Update 
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on October 22, 2024.)
Council received a Development Application Status Report for information. Since the last report was provided to Council, 18 new development applications have been received and 24 have been completed.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3977 
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3977, 2024, which rezones 1940 Nunns Road from Residential Multiple One (RM-1) Zone to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone. The site currently has an approved Development Permit and Building Permit to allow for the construction of 16 residential units within two buildings. The amendment enables the developer to add eight units to the proposed site plan within one additional building.

Bylaw No. 3977, 2024, is consistent with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and a public hearing was not held, in accordance with Section 464 (3) of the Local Government Act. Statutory notifications were provided.

Campbell River Downtown BIA Request for Funding
Council referred a request from Jan Wade, Executive Director, Campbell River Downtown Business Improvement Association (BIA), for $15,500 of funding for their Deck the Downtown event to staff to report back on at a future meeting.

Taking place from Friday, November 29, to Sunday, December 1, 2024, Deck the Downtown is a new event that will include the annual BIA Big Truck Parade and a variety of other activities in downtown Campbell River. In addition to providing financial support, the City is providing support through participation. The Recreation and Culture Department will be hosting its yearly Gingerbread House Competition, working with community partners to offer family-friendly programming, and facilitating the use of Spirit Square as an event venue. Destination Campbell River (the City’s tourism brand) will be providing promotional support.  

North Island Métis Association Request for the Métis Flag to Be Flown in Spirit Square 
Council approved a request from Charlotte Lever, Vice President, North Island Métis Association, to fly the Métis flag in Spirit Square from November 13 to 20, 2024, for Métis Week. Louis Riel Day is also celebrated on November 16. 



by Rebecca Szulhan | Oct 28, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

2024 Canada Day Celebrations

Council received a presentation from Carol Chapman, Campbell River Canada Day Committee, regarding the 2024 Canada Day celebrations. The presentation highlighted the success of the event and thanked the many volunteers and community organizations involved. The City was thanked for its contributions and support.

Proposed Geographic Name Changes
Chief Chris Roberts, Wei Wai Kum First Nation, and Chief Ronnie Chickite, We Wai Kai Nation, presented to Council requesting the City’s support for geographic name changes proposed by the Liǧwłdax̌w Nations.

At the Regular Council Meeting on September 5, 2024, Council received correspondence from the BC Geographical Names Office inviting comments on proposed changes to the official names of three geographical areas, as requested by the We Wai Kai, Wei Wai Kum and Kwiakah First Nations. Following direction from Council, the City drafted a response requesting the Ministry work with the City to facilitate community engagement sessions about the proposed changes to ensure that Campbell River residents and surrounding communities are well-informed and have an opportunity to provide input on these proposals. The City also asked that the Ministry consider the financial costs associated with updating resources, including signage and printed materials. The draft letter highlighted the significance of these proposed changes and the importance of preserving and respecting the heritage and culture of the Liǧwłdax̌w people. The City believes engagement sessions would provide valuable insight into the cultural significance of the name changes, allow for meaningful community engagement, and ensure transparency throughout the process.      

Following the delegation from Chief Roberts and Chief Chickite, and acknowledging the extended feedback deadline provided by the Province, Council referred the item to a future meeting to further discuss the City’s response to the Ministry.

2025 Budget Outlook and Financial Gap Analysis 
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on October 22, 2024.)
Council received the 2025 Budget Outlook and Financial Gap Analysis report and a presentation from staff for information. Staff updated Council on the 2025 tax projection and highlighted the changes and challenges impacting the financial plan. Council directed staff to keep the proposed 2025 tax increase within the City’s Financial Resiliency and Stability Policy, which is 3.5 per cent.

As the City enters the 2025–2034 financial planning period, several factors will continue to exert pressure on the City's financial results. These include but are not limited to, inflation, provincial and federal downloading, and large increases in contractual commitments that are largely outside the City’s control. These challenges are not unique to the City and are placing similar pressure on municipalities across Canada. Council has previously communicated and continued to discuss its desire to keep property taxation to a minimum and close the financial gap between City revenue and expenses.

The initial 2025 projected increase was reported by staff at 9.15 per cent. This projected increase is a starting point, reflecting what the increase would be if no changes were made. Staff highlighted initial cost-saving measures that could bring the projected increase down to 6.4 per cent and continue to look at additional options to present during financial planning to bring the projected increase within policy and Council’s reconfirmed direction of a maximum increase of 3.5 per cent. Staff will also report back on the operation and service level implications of a further reduced and zero per cent increase.

Housing Accelerator Fund 
Earlier in 2024, the City was awarded $10.4 million in funding from the federal government’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) to accelerate housing development and address housing needs in Campbell River. Council supported an amendment to the 2024 Financial Plan to allocate $1,025,000 from the HAF program towards the implementation of the seven initiatives of the City’s HAF Approved Action Plan and directed that the 2024-2033 Financial Plan be amended accordingly. These initiatives aim to enhance housing availability, affordability, and regulatory efficiency, and align with the City’s Strategic Plan to support housing availability and meet the HAF Contribution Agreement. More information about the City’s HAF Approved Action Plan is available on Get Involved, Campbell River at getinvolved.campbellriver.ca/haf.

Power Supply Partnership
The City is invested in ensuring adequate power supply for residential, commercial and new industrial development opportunities as they arise. Council directed staff to partner with the University of British Columbia to assess power supply and demands on the North Island and to explore options for providing funding of up to $5,500 for this initiative.

Development Applications Update 
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on October 22, 2024.)
Council received a Development Application Status Report for information. Since the last report was provided to Council, 18 new development applications have been received and 24 have been completed.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3977 
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3977, 2024, which rezones 1940 Nunns Road from Residential Multiple One (RM-1) Zone to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone. The site currently has an approved Development Permit and Building Permit to allow for the construction of 16 residential units within two buildings. The amendment enables the developer to add eight units to the proposed site plan within one additional building.

Bylaw No. 3977, 2024, is consistent with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and a public hearing was not held, in accordance with Section 464 (3) of the Local Government Act. Statutory notifications were provided.

Campbell River Downtown BIA Request for Funding
Council referred a request from Jan Wade, Executive Director, Campbell River Downtown Business Improvement Association (BIA), for $15,500 of funding for their Deck the Downtown event to staff to report back on at a future meeting.

Taking place from Friday, November 29, to Sunday, December 1, 2024, Deck the Downtown is a new event that will include the annual BIA Big Truck Parade and a variety of other activities in downtown Campbell River. In addition to providing financial support, the City is providing support through participation. The Recreation and Culture Department will be hosting its yearly Gingerbread House Competition, working with community partners to offer family-friendly programming, and facilitating the use of Spirit Square as an event venue. Destination Campbell River (the City’s tourism brand) will be providing promotional support.  

North Island Métis Association Request for the Métis Flag to Be Flown in Spirit Square 
Council approved a request from Charlotte Lever, Vice President, North Island Métis Association, to fly the Métis flag in Spirit Square from November 13 to 20, 2024, for Métis Week. Louis Riel Day is also celebrated on November 16. 

Upcoming Events
Apr 19, 2025 BIA Easter Event
May 03, 2025 Colourful Run